Free cloud tools or service for developers
A collection of free cloud app, tools or service for developers

CLI to Chat with your AWS Cloud from Terminal using generative AI.
Tags: cloud, aws, cli
Free Offer:

Google Cloud Platform
Discover the free cloud features that come with the Google Cloud trial offer and more information on how to upgrade your account.
Tags: hosting, serverless, cloud, analytics, storage
Free Offer:
Nitric Open Source Cloud Framework is the fastest way for startup developers to build serverless apps. Launch now with AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and more.
Tags: cloud, serverless, development, framework
Free Offer:
Pulumis open source infrastructure as code SDK and enterprise SaaS products together provide editions for teams of all sizes.
Tags: cloud, deployment, Infrastructure, CI-CD
Free Offer:

Visual Studio Dev Essentials
Get everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform. With state-of-the-art tools, the power of the cloud, training, and support, it’s our most comprehensive free developer program ever.
Tags: productivity, cloud, other-list
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