Free web3 tools or service for developers
A collection of free web3 app, tools or service for developers

Web3Auth is a simple, non-custodial auth infrastructure that enables Web3 wallets and applications to provide seamless user logins to both mainstream and native Web3 users.
Tags: authentication, web3
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Start building cool web3 projects, earn NFTs, access secret work opportunities in crypto.
Tags: web3, learning-resources

A safe crypto wallet for digital tokens & NFTs. Join the blockchain and DeFi world.
Tags: web3, wallet
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Remote3 - Remote Web3 Jobs
Discover 294+ remote web3 Jobs around the world at companies working on blockchain, smart contract, DeFi, NFT, crypto and more.
Tags: web3, job-listing, remote
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Blockchain platform providing one API and SDK to create NFTs and access 40+ blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Algorand, Flow, and Celo.
Tags: blockchain, nft, web3, api
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Web3 Jobs
Find or Post Web3 Jobs Today ✅ New Web3 Blockchain, Developer, and Designer Jobs handpicked every week. Join other creators building the new web!
Tags: web3, job-listing
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Web3 Jobs
Looking for a web3 job? Web3 Jobs has 8,387+ web3 remote and offline jobs as Web3 Developer, Smart Contract Developer, Solidity Developer and much more. Switch your career to Web3 and join the future!
Tags: remote, job-listing, web3