Free mock-data tools or service for developers
A collection of free mock-data app, tools or service for developers

ExtendsClasss CSV Generator
Web-based random data generator. Generate CSV, JSON and SQL datasets. Free API.
Tags: mock-data, mock-api, json
Free Offer:
No limit in the browser
200 API requests/day
5000 rows per call
MockAPI is a simple tool that lets you easily mock up APIs, generate custom data, and preform operations on it using RESTful interface. MockAPI is meant to be used as a prototyping/testing/learning tool.
Tags: mock-data, API, mock-api
Free Offer:
1 Project
4 Resources per project

A free test data generator and API mocking tool - Mockaroo lets you create custom CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel datasets to test and demo your software.
Tags: database, mock-data
Free Offer:
No daily limit on the number of files downloaded from the browser
200 API requests/day
1x speed
Access to all of features
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