Free code-review tools or service for developers
A collection of free code-review app, tools or service for developers

Get PRs reviewed instantly and ship code 10x faster by collaborating on top of ephemeral environments.
Tags: code-review, pull-request
Free Offer:

Code Climate Quality
Quality by Code Climate provides automated code review for test coverage, maintainability and more so that you can save time and merge with confidence.
Tags: code-review, quality-assurance
Free Offer:

Plugin for your IDE that tracks and analyzes your activity to create reports on your coding and personalized learning material.
Tags: code-review

Coding assistant for VS Code and Jetbrains and automated code reviews for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket.
Tags: code-review, code-analysis, code-snippet, coding-assistant
Free Offer:

DeepSource helps you write clean code on every pull-request. Built for teams who move fast and don’t break things.
Tags: code-review, clean-code
Free Offer:

Make your pull requests remarkably contextual, collaborative and efficient.
Tags: code-review, collaboration, productivity
Free Offer:

Enhance your workflow with continuous code quality, SonarCloud automatically analyzes and decorates pull requests on GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps and GitLab on major languages.
Tags: clean-code, security, code-review
Free Offer:
The AI powered GitHub app that helps you review your pull requests.
Tags: code-review
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