Find free alternative to Grafana k6 for developers - 2025

List of free alternative to Grafana k6 for developers. Find the best alternative to Grafana k6 as load-test tools for your needs.

Logo thumbnail for Grafana k6

Grafana k6

k6 is an open-source tool and cloud service that makes load testing easy for developers and QA engineers.

Tags: load-test

Free Offer:

Open source available. Cloud feature: 50GB Logs 3 Monthly Active Users 50GB Traces 10k Metrics 50GB Profiles 500 k6 Virtual User Hours All Enterprise plugin

👉 Alternative to Grafana k6 as load-test tools/services

Logo thumbnail for Clobbr


Clobbr is a developer tool that allows you to load & speed test your API endpoints to see how well they perform under load from multiple requests

Tags: cli, load-test, test, performance

Logo thumbnail for Locust - A modern load testing framework

Locust - A modern load testing framework

An open source load testing tool define user behaviour with Python code, and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.

Tags: load-test, testing, stress-test, python

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